How can I apply for a loan?

As a SACCO member, you can easily apply for a loan from your mobile using Wakandi.

After the approval, your loan amount will be transferred directly to your preferred mobile wallet. 

Applying for a loan

If you want to apply for a loan, follow these steps:

  1. Download the App on iPhone or Android.  
  2. Accept the invitation from your Saccos and follow the installation steps (it has to be initiated by the admin). 
  3. Log into Wakandi, and click on Apply Now on the front page.
  4. Choose the appropriate type of loan from the menu. 
  5. Enter the required details in the respective fields, such as loan amount, tenure, guarantor name, etc.
  6. When finished, click on Apply Loan.
  7. The loan application is sent to your Saccos, waiting for approval.