How can I contribute to my SACCOs using the Wakandi App?

Wakandi is integrated with the biggest MNOs, and you can use your mobile wallet to contribute.

Contributing your SACCO using a mobile wallet is now easy with Wakandi.

Step-by-step guide for contributing using the Wakandi App

If you want to contribute using Wakandi, follow these steps: 

  1. Download the App on iPhone or Android.  
  2. Accept the invitation from your Saccos and follow the installation steps (it has to be initiated by the admin). 
  3. Log into Wakandi, and click on Contribution on the front page.
  4. Choose a savings account.
  5. Enter the amount.
  6. If you'd like to, you can add a message for later. 
  7. Click Contribute
  8. Select payment mode
  9. Choose to Deny or Accept the payment.
  10. The payment is processed, and if successful, your contribution is made.