How can I import new transactions?

Wakandi allows you to bulk import new transactions made by members of your SACCO!


Go to Import and select Transactions

To bulk import transactions, follow the simple steps below: 

  1. Log in to Wakandi as an administrator.
  2. Go to “Import”.
  3. Click “Transactions” 
  4. Select the "Download Template" button in the top right of the screen, and a Wakandi transactions import template will be downloaded.

  5. Fill in all necessary information on the template correctly.
  6. Go back to  “Transactions” in Wakandi.
  7. Then, click on "Upload
  8. Assign the transactions import to the correct user.
  9. Select the specific account under the "Cash/Bank Accounts" section.
  10. Select the correctly filled Wakandi transaction import template that you previously downloaded and correct any errors that pop up.
  11. Click "Upload".
  12. Then, click on the imported transactions file that will appear as shown below.

  13. Click on "Submit".

13.     Finally, it will display that the transaction data was successfully submitted.