How to configure Ledgers in Accounting?

With Wakandi, you get an accounting feature that allows you to configure your ledgers.

Go to Ledgers. Select General ledgers.

Step-by-Step guide on how to configure ledgers.

  1. Login to Wakandi.
  2. Go to Ledgers.
  3. Select General ledger from dropdown menu.
    Ledgers-General ledgers
  4. On the Accounting dashboard click Accounts on top side of the page and choose Accounts from the dropdown menu.
    general ledger - accounts
  5. Click Add Ledger to configure a new ledger.
    add ledger
  6. Fill in the name and choose the parent group of the ledger being created.
  7. The ledger code will auto-generate depending on the ledgers in that specific parent group.
  8. Select if ledger is Debit or Credit from the button below opening balance.
  9. Check on the checkbox on Bank or Cash account it is bank or cash ledger
  10. Check on the checkbox on Reconciliation if you want the ledger to be reconciled from reports
    new ledger details
  11. Add Notes about the ledger if any..
  12. Click Submit to Configure the ledger.