Where can I find loan applications?

On each member, you can get a complete overview of all loan applications and loan history.

Go to Members, click on Member Id, and choose Loans on the horizontal menu. 

Available functions
The available functions on the loan page for a single member are:

  1. Add a loan application manually and upload relevant loan documents
  2. Link to a detailed page on historical loan applications
  3. Link to a detailed page on approved loans
  4. A search engine for the specific member's loans

Relevant information
You will see the following information on the loan application and loan history page for a single member: 

  • A log of all loan applications and their status
  • Dates on all loan applications
  • Amount on all loan applications
  • Name of the loan officer on each loan application
  • A list of all loans to that specific member
  • Account number, product, loan officer, principal amount, tenure, outstanding principal, outstanding interest, balance, disbursement date and status on each loan.